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This application consists of the Four Qul along with the translation and transliteration of each in English.




This surah was revealed in Madinah and it has 6 ayaat. Surah An-Naas and Al-Falaq are together called Maudhatayn.

★ Imam Jafar as-Sadiq (a.s.) has said that whoever recites this surah in his house every night, will be kept safe from Jinnaat and the evil designs of Shaitan.

★ If this surah is put around the neck of a child as a talisman, the child will be protected from Jinnat. Reciting the Maudhatayn before sleeping is a means of safety and if recited on any part of the body that is paining, the pain will be relieved.




This is a madani surah and it has 5 ayaat.

★ It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that whoever recites this surah in the month of Ramadhan in any of his prayers, it is as if he has fasted in Makkah and he will get the reward for performing Hajj and Umra.

★ Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) said that in the prayer of Shafaa (in Salaatul-layl) one should recite surah al-Falaq in the first rakaat and an-Naas in the second.




This surah was revealed in Makkah and it has 4 verses.

★ It is narrated from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that whoever recites this surah once will get the reward equal to ten times the number of people who have believed in the Islamic teachings.

★ This surah has many other rewards and its recitation is compared to reciting a third of the Holy Quran. Reciting it once is a means of blessings for the reciter, if recited twice then the blessings are also showered upon the children of the reciter. Reciting it thrice brings blessings on the entire family of the reciter. If surah al-Ikhlas is recited 11 times, the reciter will have palaces built for him in Jannah.

★ When a person recites this surah 100 times, all his sins for the past 25 years are forgiven (except the sins of killing an innocent person or usurping the property of people). The one who recites it 1000 times will not die unless he sees his place in Jannah.

★ The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) once advised a poor person to always say salaam when entering his house, even if there was nobody there, and then recite surah Al-Ikhlaas. After a little while, the man became abundantly wealthy.

★ It is narrated that if a person does not recite this surah in any of his five daily prayers, it is as if he has not prayed. In fact, if a person does not recite this surah in any of his prayers for seven consecutive days, and he dies, it will be as if he died while following the religion of Abu Lahab.

★ It is makruh to recite this surah in one breath. This surah has numerous other benefits and is a cure for many ailments. It should be recited when travelling or when facing a tyrant ruler.




This surah is makki and has 6 verses.

★ The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said that reciting this surah carries the reward of reciting a quarter of the Holy Quran. The recitation of this surah drives away Shaitan and keeps one safe from Shirk.

★ It is also among the five surahs that have been recommended to be recited during a journey, the others being surah an-Nasr, at-Tawhid, al-Falaq and an-Naas. Reciting surah al-Kafirun and at-Tawheed in compulsory prayers is a means for forgiveness of sins for the reciter, his parents and his children.